Bali Architect - Jeghier Architect - Villa Design

Bali Architect - Jeghier Architect - Villa Design

As an architect, my approach to design is a meticulous blend of creativity and functionality. Each project I undertake is an opportunity to craft spaces that not only reflect the aesthetic aspirations of my clients but also seamlessly integrate with the surrounding environment.
My design process begins with a thorough understanding of the client's vision, preferences, and the unique characteristics of the site. I believe that a successful design is not just visually appealing but also enhances the overall user experience. To achieve this, I engage in comprehensive research, considering elements such as natural light, spatial flow, and sustainability.
Collaboration is at the heart of my methodology. I work closely with clients to ensure that their needs and desires are not only heard but translated into tangible design elements. Through open communication, I strive to create spaces that resonate with the occupants on a personal level.
In addition to aesthetics, I prioritize functionality and efficiency in my designs. I believe that architecture should not only be visually striking but also enhance the daily lives of those who inhabit the spaces. Sustainability is a key consideration, and I incorporate eco-friendly practices and materials whenever possible.
Sketching and conceptualization play a pivotal role in my design process. I often begin with hand-drawn sketches to quickly capture ideas and explore various possibilities. These initial sketches serve as the foundation for more detailed digital renderings and ultimately guide the construction phase.
I find inspiration in the interplay of form, light, and materials. Whether it's a commercial villa, private residence, or a sprawling estate, my goal is to create spaces that leave a lasting impression while meeting the functional needs of the users.
In essence, my role as an architect goes beyond designing structures; it involves curating experiences and shaping environments that enhance the quality of life for those who interact with them.

Komang Suardika Jeghier

Brief About Jeghier Architect

Jeghier Architect initiated its operations in 2004, initially focusing on designing residential housing projects for foreigners. Through unwavering dedication and hard work, the firm's exceptional designs gained widespread acclaim, paving the way for larger projects as its reputation grew in Bali. In 2005, Jeghier officially registered with the Indonesian Architect Institute (Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia - IAI), formalizing its administrative structure.
The name "Jeghier" originated from Komang Suardika's nickname, later patented in the Ministry of Copyrights and Intellectual Property. Today, Komang Suardika serves as the principal architect and owner of Jeghier Architect. Komang's journey in architecture commenced after completing his undergraduate degree at the University Udayana Bali in 2001.

Having worked in various renowned local and foreign architectural consultancies in Bali, Komang steadily climbed the career ladder, attaining head architect positions. Fueled by experience and confidence, Komang founded his architecture consultancy.



Jeghier's design philosophy embraces freedom of expression, continually exploring new trends and blending various architectural styles such as tropical, modern, Caribbean, Mexican, Moroccan, etc. While drawing inspiration from Traditional Balinese Architecture, Jeghier ensures each design is unique, reflecting the spirit of the site. The firm dislikes monotony, aiming to bring out the diverse spirits and characters of each location with boundless creativity.
Today, Jeghier boasts a team of highly proficient professionals, excelling in their specialized fields. Some works have received commendation from various media outlets, including TV and magazines. Currently, 90% of Jeghier's clients are expatriates, ranging from developers to retirees, property investors, and entrepreneurs.
Jeghier's approach to design incorporates consideration of budget, market demand, and clients' personal preferences. The architect's creativity is challenged to create unique and trendy designs, utilizing both positive and negative aspects of projects to complement each other, fostering harmony and balance in the final masterpiece.
Many current clients are repeat clients who have experienced satisfaction with Jeghier's services. Additionally, numerous clients recommend Jeghier Architect to associates, friends, and business partners. Services provided include Architectural Design, Master Planning, and Project Supervision. Jeghier Architect ensures a thorough and meticulous design process, making it the natural choice for those seeking a business partner and architectural consultant capable of transforming dreams into workable designs.
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H I L I W A T U  R E S O R T


"Hili," derived from the word 'Hill,' representing the hills, and "Watu," taken from the word 'Batu' or stone, are two names combined based on the site survey conducted by Jeghier Architect's team during their initial visit to the Bresela area in Ubud, Gianyar, Bali. The total site area is approximately 26,000 square meters. Following discussions with the owner and resort operator, it was agreed upon to have 12 units of 1-bedroom villas, 1 unit of the President Suite with 3 bedrooms, 1 unit of 4-bedroom villas, and 24 units of suite rooms.

Beyond constructing a mere resort, architecture is a profound and significant concept. It reflects decisions about how people should live, work, and even die. Simultaneously, architecture is an expression of boundless admiration; each person's admiration is articulated in a unique language. In the context of admiration, architecture doesn't merely reveal its virtue. This is what distinguishes architecture from mere buildings.

On the other hand, architecture is also considered to possess tremendous power. It is the embodiment of culture and even civilization. It can embrace and convey profound spiritual and universal truths.

At this resort, there are two wings of suite room buildings, each containing 12 rooms, and there are 4 units of connecting rooms. The total number of suite rooms is 24, with a size of 331.93 square meters. The total area for each wing is 1731.11 square meters. The Wine Restaurant is surrounded by a pond and has three levels: the Wedding Chapel on the ground floor, the restaurant on basement 1, and the treatment area on basement 2. The total area of the Wine Restaurant is 2,146.95 square meters, including facilities such as the lobby, sufficient parking space, back-of-house (BOH), gymnasium, three-level pool, cinema, spa, river restaurant, river trekking access, and helipad. The lobby roof is designed to be 24 meters high to create a grand and out-of-proportion impression for the overall building.

The Hili site's form is represented by the roof shape following the site's contours, and the 'Watu' or stone shape is translated into a curved form in the suite room roofs and façade. Indeed, the competition in the business world, especially in hospitality and resorts, is intense worldwide. As architects, we are required to create something that adds value to the market. The success of a resort or hotel is not solely the result of the management, owner, or operator's work but also significantly influenced by the architect's role in the hotel business's success.

Hiliwatu, where Ubud is known for its nature, we strive to harness the potential of the environment, such as the sunrise, river sounds, and relatively higher rainfall during the rainy season compared to other areas in Bali. Therefore, we designed a roof that maximizes natural light throughout the day, with the option to open and close automatically, including automatic curtains for those who prefer not to leave their beds. The solid wood columns, measuring 25 cm x 25 cm, are hand-carved without the assistance of machines. We aim to create a construction narrative that can be shared with the staying guests."